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$3.00 OFF Ticket for Biblical Times

Biblical Times Dinner Theater is excited to present a brand-new production for 2022: “Peter”!

Arguably one of the most relatable characters in all of Scripture, Peter was one of Jesus’ most faithful disciples and a trusted friend.  He witnessed countless numbers of miracles, walked on water, and even saw Jesus in His full glory. Having observed these glorious realities, Peter still denied knowing Jesus.

“Peter” brings to life so many of the thoughts and emotions this beloved character must’ve experienced.  Through Peter’s ups and downs, we see a beautiful picture of God’s Grace, His Love, and His Desire to Restore those who’ve fallen short.

In the darkest moments of Grief, Hopelessness and Guilt, God has the power to transform lives into showcases of Joy, Hope, and Freedom to be used for His glory!

Christian Dinner Show in Tennessee

At Biblical Times Dinner Theater, we provide encouraging and uplifting entertainment that points our Guests to Jesus, for His honor and glory.  Each show is really two shows in one, with a first-half Gospel Concert and a second-half Dramatic Musical Production.

With each of our shows you will enjoy a FEAST OF BIBLICAL PROPORTION!   While enjoying your dinner, our Cast will sing a variety of Christian music.  You’ll hear Southern Gospel, Contemporary Worship, and Classic Hymns.  The dramatic productions bring stories of the Bible to life, right in front of you!  Previous shows have highlighted Biblical heroes such as Joseph, Moses, Elijah, and – most recently – Ruth.  Extensive research has gone into the writing of all of our productions, along with the council of trusted Bible scholars to ensure that they are scripturally sound.  With our state-of-the-art video mapping and projection technology, the walls of the theater come to life around you, providing a visual experience to enhance the music, or transport you back in time to ancient Israel.

Contact Information

2391 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863, USA
Zip/Post Code


2391 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863, USA